- Scott Morrison announces medical apartheid for Australians
Vaccinated Australians will get “special rules” to avoid lockdown restrictions once 70 per cent of the adult population have had two doses, it has been announced.
The coming creation of a two-tier class system of society, based on personal medical decisions of free individuals, was detailed by the Prime Minister in a press conference last night [July 30th, 2021].
Source: TOTT News, https://tottnews.com/2021/07/31/morrison-announces-medical-apartheid/?fbclid=IwAR3u21cNYq-IdmcaXFppZ1jNcxUYqWp4401lddoiDHW4SiLUO3ktrTTehxE
- FINALLY a Clinical Trial on Face Masks in Children – Parents Take Note!
Download video here.
NON-CENSORABLE as this is a simple summary of study just published in the Journal of the American Medical Association – JAMA
ALL Parents should be aware of the emerging science – their kids are THEIR responsibility.
Source: Covid Medical Network Australia, https://t.me/covidmedicalnetworkaus
- Craig Kelly: ’Facebook have blood on their hands’
FB’s censorship is not only killing people, it’s a threat to democracy. While other MP’s suck up to Facebook, I’m going to be fighting them in the courts & in Parliament.
Source: Interview with Cory Bernadi, https://www.ourfreedomtube.com/watch/craig-kelly-sky-news-with-bernardi-june-25th-2021-facebook-obstructing-life-saving-information_O8lzGxrWN6v2NYt.html
- ‘It’s crystal clear’: Professor Robert Clancy backs ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment
Emeritus professor Robert Clancy, an immunologist at the University of Newcastle, says people can no longer deny the value of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19.
Source: ABC Radio, https://www.abc.net.au/radio/newcastle/programs/drive/ivermectin-covid-19/13418066
- Australia: COVID-19 Reported Deaths following Vaccines
- No Vaccine Passports
Source: https://t.me/craigkelly/173
- South Australian Woman dies after first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine
I never thought I would see this in Australia! It makes be ashamed to be Australian, ashamed of the Police and ashamed of the government’s response. It also makes my blood boil. Have we lost our bloody minds???!
I don’t normally give my personal opinion, but this time I had to, and so would any self-respecting person.
There are no checks and balances any more! Insanity reigns!
- Ivermectin works!
Why does Australia’s National Covid Evidence Taskforce continuing to recommend against Ivermectin, when their own research has found that Ivermectin reduces death (All-cause mortality) by 67% ?
Source: Craig Kelly (Ind MP), https://t.me/craigkelly/155
- Goa Recommends Ivermectin to All Above 18 After Scientists Say Its Use Can ‘End Covid-19 Pandemic’
Craig Kelly (Ind MP):
Another Indian State officially adopts Ivermectin.
For how much longer can our government health bureaucrats maintain the lie and suppress Ivermectin?Source: Yahoo News, https://in.news.yahoo.com/immediate-global-ivermectin-end-covid-105900450.html
- Two NSW mend days after COVID-19 vaccine
[29 April 2021]
- Vaccine blood clots
[April 21]
- Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) COVID-19 Position Statement
Health professionals promoting anti-vaccination messages can result in regulatory action.
And we wonder why we don’t hear the other side of the argument… - Australians vs. The Agenda