Full list of articles.
- Pfizer vaccine kills more than it saves!
The FDA held a Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting (September 17, 2021) to discuss authorizing a third Pfizer COVID-19 “booster shot.”
Dr. Joseph Fraiman, an emergency room physician from New Orleans who did his studies at Cornell Medical School, stated that there are no trials large enough yet to prove that the COVID-19 vaccines reduce hospitalization without causing serious harm.
He lamented the fact that the “vaccine hesitant” coming into his emergency room were more educated on the risks of the COVID-19 vaccine than those vaccinated.
He pointed out that a recent study showed that the risk of vaccine-induced Myocarditis (heart disease) in young males is higher than their risk from hospitalization from COVID.
Steve Kirsch, the Executive Director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, also gave testimony, and he began his comments with:
I am going to focus my remarks today with the elephant in the room that nobody likes to talk about, that the vaccines kill more people than they save.
For example, people have 71 times more risk of heart attack following COVID-19 vaccines than any other vaccine.
Kirsch claims that expert analysis of existing data, including the 6-month Pfizer trials and VAERS data, prove that the shots kill more people than they allegedly save.
About 411 deaths per million doses. That translates into about 150,000 people have died (from the Pfizer shots).
Source: Global Research, https://www.globalresearch.ca/fda-allows-whistleblower-testimony-covid-19-vaccines-killing-harming-people/5756219
- Vaccinated people made up three-quarters of those infected in a massive Massachusetts covid-19 outbreak, pivotal CDC study finds
- Game changer! Is the CDC indirectly admitting that the RT-PCR test doesn’t distinguish between COVID-19 and the Flu?
07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing
After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.
In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season.
This is what the creator of the PCR test, as well as many medical professionals, have been saying for a long time, that the PCR test is not designed for this purpose.
Is this why the Flu seemed to all but disappear over the last year?
Is this why the COVID-19 numbers were similar to the Flu numbers of previous years?
Since the whole COVID narrative was based on faulty testing, does this mean that everything that has happened over the last year is based on faulty data???
Source: CDC, https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dls/locs/2021/07-21-2021-lab-alert-Changes_CDC_RT-PCR_SARS-CoV-2_Testing_1.html
- US: COVID Vaccine Deaths more than COVID Deaths
- The Nuremberg Code
The Nuremberg Code explained. Dr. Simone Gold from America’s Frontline Doctors discusses some important topics regarding the experimental COVID injection.
- Facebook bans top medic over posting a reputable study saying children should not be forced to wear masks
- Craig Kelly: ’Facebook have blood on their hands’
FB’s censorship is not only killing people, it’s a threat to democracy. While other MP’s suck up to Facebook, I’m going to be fighting them in the courts & in Parliament.
Source: Interview with Cory Bernadi, https://www.ourfreedomtube.com/watch/craig-kelly-sky-news-with-bernardi-june-25th-2021-facebook-obstructing-life-saving-information_O8lzGxrWN6v2NYt.html
- Pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson on the handling of COVID-19: “We’re playing with fire here”
‘’It’s lies upon lies upon lies, that is now morphing into the obsession of forcing everyone to be injected …its massive deception .
‘’It’s hardly surprising that the majority are buying the Kool-aid as the counter opinion has been totally suppressed’’
Source: The HighWire, https://thehighwire.com/videos/were-playing-with-fire-here/
- Australian health care professionals have been censored by AHPRA
Throughout history Censorship & coercion have always been the tools of tyrants
Today they are the tools used by a criminal cabal of Faucist health bureaucrats, Big Tech & Big Vax who want to inject the world with their experimental 💉
We are going to have to fight for our freedoms and to protect a generation of children from these power drunk, out of control maniacs.
Source: Craig Kelly (Ind MP), https://t.me/craigkelly/263
- Creator of the PCR test was NOT designed to “find a virus”
Here is Dr. Kary Mullis the winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry and the inventor of the PCR test.
Dr. Mullis actually said that his PCR test which the entire world is now using to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 was NOT designed to “find a virus”.
He also said that Dr. Fauci, “doesn’t mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary… and lie directly into the camera.”
Source: X22 Report, https://t.me/realx22report/2485
- Mike Adams’ covid vaccine message to family and friends… what you aren’t being told by the establishment
Health Ranger: I recorded a last-ditch emergency covid vaccine message for my own family members. This covers the basics of covid, vaccines, spike proteins, the recent bombshell research and more. I decided to make it public so that others could share their message with their own family members who are not informed.
Source: Health Ranger / Natural News, https://www.brighteon.com/2495a88b-90ad-4411-9171-faef76358dbc
- Dutch Politician Thierry Baudet drops Covid 19 red pills at parliament
Dutch Politician Thierry Baudet drops Covid 19 red pills at parliament. 🔥
Full clip here: https://youtu.be/DFrU5sXS8f4
Source: X22 Report, https://t.me/realx22report/2449
- Masks DON’T Work
Source: X22 Report, https://t.me/realx22report/2384
- Ivermectin obliterates 97 percent of Delhi cases
The fight for IVERMECTIN is an epic struggle to save lives & preserve human rights.
It is battle of reason over corruption, good over evil, evidence over ignorance, and right over wrong.
This graph shows that Ivermectin, used in Delhi beginning April 20, obliterated their COVID crisis.
Will you believe this 97% eradication graph, or will you believe the propaganda pitched by the Big Media, Big Pharma, the WHO, and the FDA, who share massive financial conflicts of interest – those who say there is insufficient evidence?
What evidence could be any clearer than a 97% reduction in five weeks? That number is better than the current vaccines and beyond the reach of most medicines.
The WHO cautioned India they were making a mistake by using Ivermectin. They told them it could be dangerous, that there was no evidence it worked. How many lies will you buy before you stand up for the truth?
And which side of the fight are you on ?
Source: https://t.me/craigkelly/170
- In a 2017 video, Fauci predicted there would be a “surprise outbreak” during the Trump administration
Apparently Anthony Fauci knew some sort of threat existed, and yet he seems to have done nothing.
Source: https://t.me/DineshJDSouza/2725
- 1,000 Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors Join Together and File Lawsuit to Prosecute the “2nd Nuremburg Tribunal” Against Corona Fraud Scandal
- Sen. Kennedy GRILLS Fauci, Who ADMITS He May Have Funded Covid’s Creation
The story changes again. Dr. Fauci now says it’s possible he helped fund gain-of-function research in China that could have created covid-19.
Source: https://t.me/DineshJDSouza
I never thought I would see this in Australia! It makes be ashamed to be Australian, ashamed of the Police and ashamed of the government’s response. It also makes my blood boil. Have we lost our bloody minds???!
I don’t normally give my personal opinion, but this time I had to, and so would any self-respecting person.
There are no checks and balances any more! Insanity reigns!
- How are “natural” disease vectors patentable?
Source: GreenMedInfo, https://t.me/sayeregengmi/3768
- COVID restrictions unnecessary?
- COVID-charade was preplanned
Everybody knows this entire Covid-charade was preplanned to mass inject the population with nanotech and sterilization chemicals and push quackccine passports.
Source: https://t.me/sayeregengmi/3725
- CDC Director Finally Admits that COVID Cases were Over-Counted in Hospitals
In August 2020 The Gateway Pundit’s Joe Hoft posted an article about COVID-19 that sent shockwaves throughout the internet — The CDC website admitted that only around 6% of COVID recorded deaths were due entirely to the Coronavirus-
The gist of the report was that COVID-19 is not nearly as deadly as first projected by the WHO and then by Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Debra Birx. Based on CDC numbers in Ausust only 6% of all deaths attributed to COVID-19 were instances where the only factor in the individual’s death was due to COVI9-19.
Source: The Gateway Pundit, https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/boom-cdc-director-finally-admits-covid-cases-hugely-counted-just-gateway-pundit-donald-trump-reported-august/
- COVID-19: Restoring Public Trust During A Global Health Crisis
444 PAGE DOCUMENT describing in exquisite detail the many ways in which the pandemic was blown out of proportion, such as: “Inaccurate projection models violations of federal law related to hyper-inflated Covid death statistics, the problem with PCR testing, the lack of evidence supporting asymptomatic transmission,” and MUCH more….
Source: GreenMedInfo, https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/covid-19-restoring-public-trust-during-global-health-crisis
- Greatest rise in COVID cases in two most vaccinated countries
- Digital Tracking and Compulsory COVID-19 Vaccination use in Israel
In this video, Stand for Health Freedom Executive Director and Co-founder Leah Wilson interviews Ilana Rachel Daniel, who began sharing about the drastic occurrence of events rolled out for digital tracking and compulsory COVID-19 vaccination use in Israel earlier this year. Ilana warns that history of a segregated, two-class society, is starting to repeat itself with the introduction of health passports.
Source: Stand For Health Freedom, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70UTK09sf0Y
- PCR test fraud
New American CDC document shows that PCR tests for only vaccinated people will use a 28 cycle threshold.
American CDC uses a 40+ cycle threshold to inflate the Covid-19 statistics. A 40 cycle threshold produces a 97% false positive rate.
Lowering the PCR cycle threshold for vaccinated people is a massive fraud to make it look like the vaccines are working. Many predicted this.
Source: Covid Red Pills, https://t.me/CovidRedPills
- The Truth About COVID-19
- New Study Highlights Face Mask Problems with Safety and Efficacy
Four Strikes Against Face Masks – and Why They’re Risky Four science-backed hypotheses about face masks highlight their inefficacy, lack of safety and ability to cause physiological, psychological and long-term health problems, which may culminate in immune suppression, worsened chronic disease, accelerated aging and premature death.
Source: GreenMedInfo https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/new-study-highlights-face-mask-problems-safety-and-efficacy
- Vaccine Passports were the secret plan behind the totalitarian lockdowns all along
CNN revealed the sinister plot behind the government’s continuous lock down policies. The tyrannical, controlling intent behind government lockdowns was revealed for all to see.
Source: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-04-11-vaccine-passports-were-the-plan-all-along-lockdowns.html
- Who to follow (according to those trying to silence them)
- Where did the flu go?
- COVID bogus science (Fauci fraud)
Trust the “science”!?
Source: https://t.me/realx22report/1462
- Airline stupidity over 2-yr old not wearing a mask
Family is being thrown off a Spirit Airlines flight from Orlando to NY because their two-year-old child is eating without a mask.
- Mandatory Masks Endanger Your Health and Your Liberties
- Do “lock downs” really work?
- Whistleblower Exposes Bill Gates and WHO Scandal
- The PCR test is being misused to create false positives
Kary Mullis, the creator of the PCR test, now being misused with its false positives to diagnose corona virus exposure. Listen to what he says about the test here.